Trident Manor Kennels

San Diego, Southern California


Rogue River, Southern Oregon

Best way for initial contacts is via email

Trident Manor Kennels on Facebook


Please contact us via email at We do our best to check email each morning and each evening.  We will respond within 24 hours.  You may also call the above phone number.  However, we are often outdoors working with our dogs and tending to the puppies and other farm animals.  As we sort through many phone calls the response to a phone call may take longer than the response to email. 


If you are seeking to add a puppy to your family please fill out and return the Adoption Questionnaire that we will email too you for our review.  We use this form along with the temperament test to help the new owners best match a puppy to a family.  Please note, there is no wrong answer to a question. 

Thank you for your interest and support of our kennel.   

Best Regards, 

Diana (Owner/Trainer)

John Previtera (owner/trainer)

Kim  (Co-Trainer)

Drake ( Business Associate)